I am currently an Assistant Professor in the department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Mississippi.

Briefly, my research interests are studying and testing general relativity and other theories of gravity from an astrophysical standpoint.

I have investigated how “almost-general-relativity” theories can affect gravitational observables. An important observation which would be able to distinguish between GR and almost-GR is the gravitational waves from two merging black holes, as recently detected by advanced LIGO.

Please see my research page for more details of my research interests. You can also see my publications page for a list of my relevant publications and work in progress. For a summary, see my curriculum vitae.

About this site

This site’s name, due to symmetry, refers to one of the most important theorems in mathematical physics: Noether’s theorem. Noether’s theorem says that every continuous symmetry of a physical system generates a corresponding conserved quantity, and its significance in modern physics can not be overstated. This theorem bears the name of Emmy Noether, who proved and published this theorem at a time when women were not allowed to teach in academia. Not only did she shape modern physics and make formative contributions to abstract algebra, she also broke through the sexist barriers of her time.

The illustration at the top (and seen here) is from Figure 1.1 of Gravitation by Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler (MTW).

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